AARDGLOBE AG was built by entrepreneurs bound by common values ​​and a shared history. They have created an innovative structure to provide independent, impartial and effective solutions to certain challenges faced by families, businesses and entrepreneurs.

Over the decades, we have helped our clients grow their businesses, preserve their wealth, seize opportunities and ensure the prosperity of future generations.

Today, AARDGLOBE AG is a trusted and award-winning partner for clients around the world. We offer you another way to manage your wealth, assets and investments.

We provide investment banking advice and assist you with your trading needs. Our personalized approach means that one person works closely with you at all times, while our independence allows us to design dedicated solutions based on your specific needs and objectives.

Fully regulated, we have successfully spanned several extended generations and our global reach. We understand what entrepreneurs and families need to succeed, because that's how we've built our own success.

We offer a personalized wealth management service, which includes:

Define an investment profile for each client and develop strategic and tactical asset allocations based on this profile.

Use our proven and developed approach to create a well-dispersed portfolio of assets that delivers strong and sustained growth.

Allocation of assets to third-party managers in line with investment strategy, with a specialty in screening private equity opportunities where our expertise in corporate finance is advantageous.

Continuous risk management and investment monitoring, with asset allocation adjustments if necessary.

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
macbook pro on brown wooden table
macbook pro on brown wooden table
man writing on paper
man writing on paper

Responsible investing, which was a niche segment until a few years ago, is now highly valued by many of our clients and is becoming an increasingly important part of our approach.

At AARDGLOBE AG, we strongly believe in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment processes, but also in our active engagement with companies, as well as paying close attention to the various implications of our investments. are essential to improve risk-adjusted performance over the long term.

Caring for our clients goes beyond their assets, as we truly understand their needs and priorities. We build longstanding relationships based on mutual trust.

Customer-oriented: our approach is centered on the understanding and complete integration of the solution that best meets your needs, and on the development of our offer in consultation with you.

The combination of our family dimension, a client-centric approach and financial expertise allows us to provide a solid foundation on which to build close and lasting relationships with you.

Conviction: the long-term vision allows us to make choices based on strong convictions. This key value has been a driving force for the growth of our company as well as that of our customers.